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Tuesday, November 19 at 1:00pm, the Clearwood Room at Columbia Bible College

Riad Kassis (PhD, Nottingham, MA Regent College) serves as International Director of Langham Partnership, a ministry established by John Stott to help equip Majority World pastors and church leaders. He will be addressing trends, changes and needs in the area of global theological education.

Riad lives in Lebanon and has served for many years with the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Beirut. He will also lead a Q&A time on how Christians in the region are navigating the crisis in the Middle East and the wide range of challenges and opportunities facing churches in the Majority World.

This event is co-hosted by Columbia Bible College and MB Seminary. You are invited to join with students and faculty as well as pastors and mission leaders from across the Fraser Valley for a time of learning and connecting. Coffee and tea will be provided.


Clearwood Room, Columbia Bible College

2940 Clearbrook Road, Abbotsford


Tuesday, November 19 at 1:00pm

Langham Partnership Logo
Columbia Bible College Logo
MB Biblical Seminary Logo