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Residence Life

Res Life

Live in Community

“Life in the dorm has been enlightening, inspiring, and encouraging.”

Living on campus puts you in the centre of Columbia’s community. You’ll be able to roll out of bed and make it to class in five minutes. And everything you need — room, dining, classes, library, fitness centre — is all right here. Super practical!

But the best part of living on campus goes beyond all that: you’ll have the opportunity to engage in the ultimate experience of community. Living on a floor with a group of girls or guys, sharing space with fellow students from all over BC, Canada, and even the world, you’ll make incredible friends and have an amazing time (late night pizza runs!). You’ll also learn how to encourage and be encouraged and grow into an all-around better human being.

Redekop Hall

About Redekop

  • A mix of Women’s Junior Housing, Women’s Sophomore Housing & Men’s and Women’s Senior Housing
  • Three-room pods
  • Each pod is home to 3 – 5 students
  • A limited number of single rooms are available, most in Senior Housing
  • Two lounges per floor
  • Shared kitchenettes
  • Key-cards required to access building and floors
  • Laundry room in the basement
  • Ladies Fitness Room in the basement

Columbia Hall

About Columbia Hall

  • Men’s Junior Housing and Men’s Sophomore Housing
  • Double Rooms
  • One bathroom per two bedrooms
  • Two desks per room
  • Lounges on second & third floors
  • Shared fridges on each floor
  • Key-cards required to access building and floors
  • Laundry room

Junior, Sophomore Or Senior Housing

Junior Housing

  • Students range in age from 17-22
  • Will usually share a room
  • Enjoy meals in Dining Hall

Best for you if:

  • This is your first time on your own
  • You don’t know anyone at Columbia
  • You will be in Year 1 at Columbia
  • You want to be connected and engaged
  • You don’t want to worry about groceries/cooking
  • You want the ‘classic’ college experience

Sophomore Housing

  • Intended for students ages 20-22
  • Will share a room
  • Share a full kitchen with 4-6 other students
  • Split meals between self-prepared and dining hall

Best for you if:

  • You want to gain life skills to live on your own
  • You are in year 2 or 3 at Columbia
  • You want independence while still participating fully in the CBC community

Senior Housing

  • Intended for students age 23+
  • Share a full kitchen with 2-3 other rooms
  • Cook most of their own meals
  • Live in Redekop Hall

Best for you if:

  • You have lived on your own before
  • You like to prepare your own meals
  • You are in year 2/3/4 at Columbia
  • You want to participate in a more mature, independent community

Res Life Details

Ben Smith

Welcome To Community

Ben Smith and Donnel Schmidt are staff residence directors. They live on-campus and oversee housing.

When you live in residence, you will be part of a unit. Units are led by student resident leaders (RLs), who will help you settle into life in residence and stay connected with you all year. Your first unit meeting will be during Orientation Week.

Good To Know

Things to Bring

  • Bedding for a twin/single bed
  • Towel(s)
  • Toiletries (including toilet paper)
  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Laundry hamper/bag
  • Laundry detergent and fabric softener
  • Hangers
  • Computer/Laptop/Tablet
  • Workout clothes (all students have access to the on-campus fitness facility)
  • Electric kettle (for late-night tea/Kraft Dinner!)
  • Ethernet patch cable (6′ for Men’s Dorm, 25′ for Women’s Dorm / Senior Housing)

Move-In Day!

For students starting in Fall, move-in starts the Sunday of the Labour Day Weekend.


Each residence building includes a laundry room equipped with phone-tap activated washers and dryers. You just load money onto your student card, download our laundry app, and then simply tap your phone to the sensor on the machine to start your washer or dryer load. Rates are $3.00/wash and $3.00/dry. Don’t forget your laundry detergent and fabric softener!

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