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Integrated Learning at Columbia Bible College is a core part of the curriculum that helps students focus and engage on practicing and apprenticing. While all of the courses and programs at Columbia have a practical posture, the emphasis on integrated learning takes this a step further to intentionally place students in an environment of practicing what they have learned or are currently learning, and to apprentice more specifically in areas of interest and calling. Both practicing and apprenticing are ways that Columbia is preparing students to be better equipped with their faith in the workplace and to also train and provide the foundation for vocational ministry opportunities.
The main two ways that we incorporate practicing and apprenticing into the core curriculum at Columbia is through Service Practicum and Internships.

Service Practicum

Service Practicum is a unique opportunity that allows students to take what they have learned in class and apply it to the community in which they live. It promotes serving as a core value of the Christian life, and it impacts the student’s personal growth, vocational discernment, and community engagement. Students can use this course for engaging further in the local church in a variety of ministries, or get involved with other local organizations.


Internships enable all four-year degree students to practice key areas of learning within their program major. The internship placement facilitates knowledge and skills practice, personal and social development, along with opportunity to pursue vocational direction. Students develop personalized learning objectives that are met with 300 hours of supervised work alongside a series of reflective assignments.


The Integrated Learning Team is here to help!

Jeff Peters

Director of Integrated Learning

Email Jeff »

Kelly Ens

Service Practicum Assistant

Email Kelly »