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Jesus, Violence, and the Kingdom of Peace

From April 22nd to 26th, 2024, 9:00am to 4:30pm

Columbia invites you to a 5-day course taught by Jesse Nickel, exploring the place of violence and peace within Jesus’s ministry, and the implications of this for followers of Jesus today.

Jesus is widely perceived as being against violence and for peace. But is that perception accurate to what we find in the Gospels? How are violence and peacemaking connected to Jesus’s ministry? Did Jesus consider this to be an issue of great significance, or more peripheral to his main goals? And how ought this to impact contemporary Christian discipleship?

This course will examine how Jesus responded to contemporary expectations about how God’s kingdom would come and how he would participate in that event. It will also demonstrate the centrality of peace to Jesus’s vision of the kingdom and peacemaking to the identity of his disciples.

Register by April 18th!

Audit Fee: $321

To audit this course, purchase a ticket through eventbrite.

Student Tuition: $1,125

To register for this course as a Columbia student, contact academics@columbiabc.edu.

Event Details

Date: April 22, 2024 - April 26, 2024
Time: -
Venue: Columbia Bible College
Address: 2940 Clearbrook Road