Five Things I Discovered at Columbia
Ellen Gillman’s Story of Belonging

Ellen Gillman, Admissions Advisor
I came to hear about Columbia from a friend back home who had decided to attend. I’m originally from London, Ontario so the idea of attending a school in BC felt like a dream!! My initial reason for applying to Columbia was that I had come to a point in my life where I felt God nudging me to learn more about him and the Bible. I had just finished a three-year program in Child and Youth Care and didn’t get the sense that he was calling me into a job in that field. Plus, what does a Christian girl in her early twenties do when she doesn’t know what to do with her life? The logical answer is Bible College right?!
I applied, got accepted (woo!), and then the world shut down.
The year we all know as “the COVID year,” which eventually turned into two and then three. But this didn’t deter me from making this big life decision. I had committed to trusting the Lord with where I felt he was leading me and made the move across the country to beautiful BC! Now four years later, I have graduated with my degree and am working as an Admissions Advisor. I love being able to tell my story and highlighting how integral attending Columbia was in my journey.
The first distinctive aspect I noticed about Columbia was the personalization engrained in the DNA of the college. This made me feel welcome. When I arrived on campus, I was greeted and there were so many helpful people around! When I entered my room there was a note from my Resident Leader and a small gift from her. Moving away from home was a big deal for me, especially since I was across the country from any sense of familiarity. The personal touches and community that welcomed me helped me feel a sense of belonging and support.
The next aspect I experienced is a strong sense of community. One of Columbia’s core values is caring for the good and growth of one another. This stems from the Biblical theme of being people of God, and each person being created in the Image of God. A lot of thought goes into intentionally structuring how this is lived out practically, from spaces all over campus created for gathering and community time, Chapel on Thursdays, events put on by student council, and the small class sizes. All of this contributes to the tight-knit community I experienced at Columbia.
Another aspect of Columbia that I loved was the opportunity to learn in a Christian context. I studied leadership and psychology all within the context of a Biblical approach. It was such a gift to learn what the Bible has to say about so many things, especially the topics that interested me like leadership and psychology — that we don’t have to separate the Bible from these various topics, but they actually work together and are a part of God’s design for humanity. Another integral part of my time at Columbia was having the opportunity to learn more about God while also deepening my relationship with him, moving the head knowledge to heart knowledge.
Another notable aspect that made my experience so great is the smaller class sizes with professors who care deeply about their students. The smaller class sizes allow for in-class discussion and for the professors to make the classes personal for their students, often including application and reflection on material. It is also encouraged that students go for coffee with their professors, which allows students and professors to get to know each other and is often a great opportunity for mentorship.
The last aspect that I have appreciated in my time at Columbia are the impactful and life-long friendships I have made. It is such a gift to be in a place where other people share your faith, and an even bigger gift when they want to pour into your life. I have personally had the opportunity to meet so many incredible people that have encouraged me in my faith while also challenging me to continue to pursue growth and learning — to not become stagnant but to continually pursue my relationship with Jesus and others. I have made friendships that will last a lifetime and I’m so grateful for that!
My time at Columbia has been life changing for so many reasons. The community, the friendships, growing in my relationship with God, and the thoughtfulness are just a few of the reasons I love Columbia.
If you are looking to lean into your faith, learn in community and launch your life, consider joining Columbia.