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Competitive, Christ-centred sport.

Being a student-athlete at Columbia Bible College requires a significant amount of dedication both academically and athletically. Columbia’s student athletes dedicate an average of 15-20 hours per week to their chosen sport in addition to being full-time students. Please consider supporting our student athletes!
Corporate Partnerships
Each year Columbia Bible College invests a significant amount of resources into the operation of our Athletic Department, which is made up of men’s & women’s basketball and men’s & women’s volleyball. As you can imagine, operating a competitive athletics program such as ours does not come without a cost as we must cover facility, equipment, travel, and other expenses. As a result, each year we seek to find partners who will invest in our program, and in turn, athletes of today and leaders of tomorrow.
That said we do not view our corporate partnerships as one-way relationships, but as relationships that are reciprocal. In addition to the 400 students and 60+ staff at Columbia, Bearcat athletics hosts a number of home games through out the year with an average attendance of 250-300 people. It is our desire to meet with each corporate partner individually and get a sense of how we can leverage our athletic events to help meet marketing and promotional goals.
Please consider joining our corporate sponsors; all corporate partnership and print advertising opportunities with the Columbia Bible College Athletic Department directly benefit our programs, our student-athletes and our coaching staff. For more information regarding these opportunities, please contact Mike Teeter, Director of Athletics & Recreation.
Being a student-athlete at Columbia Bible College requires a significant amount of dedication both academically and athletically. Between classes and homework, practice and training, travel and games, Columbia’s student athletes dedicate an average of 15-20 hours per week to their chosen sport in addition to being full-time students. Most student-athletes suffer the financial strain of not having the time to engage in part-time employment, which makes it difficult for them to cover all of the expenses associated with participating in competitive athletics at the college level.
The Adopt-A-Bearcat program at Columbia is two-fold. First, it is essential to establishing and maintaining sport excellence at Columbia Bible College by assisting today’s motivated and talented student-athletes in their journey to become men and women of faith and character as they compete in sport. Secondly, the program provides an avenue for alumni, donors, friends and family to get involved in the lives of our diligent student-athletes, providing a link between Bearcat athletes and coaches and the broader community. To learn more about Adopt-a-Bearcat, contact Athletics.
All contributions through the Adopt-A-Bearcat program will go straight to Bearcat Athletic Scholarships and are tax deductible. You will receive a charitable tax receipt as per Revenue Canada guidelines.
Invest Your Time
Are you passionate about Columbia Bible College? Are you passionate about athletics? If so, then please consider becoming a Bearcat Volunteer.
As you can imagine, operating an athletic program such as our takes a large amount of man-power. If you are gifted in planning and running athletic events, photography, sports journalism, athletic therapy, graphic design, or customer service, please contact our office for more information.