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Sponsor a Bearcat

Being a student-athlete at Columbia Bible College requires a significant amount of dedication both academically and athletically. Columbia’s student athletes dedicate an average of 15-20 hours per week to their chosen sport in addition to being full-time students. Please consider supporting our student athletes!

Katie Rempel

“I used to think that being sent into the world meant going overseas as a missionary. CBC has helped me recognize the importance of serving my community, my neighborhood, and my friends and family.”

—Katie R, Social Entrepreneurship (Class of 2021)

Jon W - Circle

“In learning more about my own relationship with God, the Gospel began to have an impact on my life in a way it never did before.”

—Jon W (Class of 2021)


“My time at Columbia has shown me, without a doubt, that loving God and being dedicated to the truth of the gospel need to be the foundation upon which I build my life.”

—Rykia G, Intercultural Studies


“When I first came to CBC fresh out of high school, I was shocked that everything I was learning was directly applicable to my everyday life. Not only that, but my teachers were living examples of their lessons. This authenticity and practicality have profoundly changed how I experience and follow the living God every single day, from spiritual disciplines to relationships with my peers. CBC is great!”

—Michael F, QUEST