Your support makes possible what would otherwise be impossible.
Investing in Columbia Bible College raises up the next generation of wholehearted followers of Jesus and will reap dividends for decades. Your generosity helps provide future young leaders with a faith founded in God’s unchanging Word and shaped in the context of mentored Christian community.

Columbia General Fund
Our heartbeat is to develop wholehearted followers who reflect Christ's light and love in the midst of a complex and changing world. This vision can only come to fruition with God's help and through your generosity.

Columbia Scholarship Fund
Every year, CBC provides merit awards for academic excellence and scholarships to students who need financial aid. In fact, over half of our students receive assistance with their tuition. Supporters who invest in student scholarships reward students for exceptional work as well as make CBC more accessible by alleviating the financial burden so students can focus on their studies and grow in their faith.

Student Leadership Development
Developing student leaders is a core focus at CBC. Through one-to-one mentoring with staff, weekly training in our Student Leadership Connection and real-time experience leading their peers and growing their skills, CBC is a greenhouse for the development of future leaders. In fact, we carefully select and walk alongside over 40 student leaders serving in formal leadership roles as well as encourage countless other students serving more informally.

Campus Improvement
All facilities require constant maintenance over time. Some of our buildings and grounds are in need of specific upgrades. Our goal is to create and maintain an inviting environment for students, staff and many guests. Specific needs range from replacing flooring, painting, updated and energy efficient lighting, and modernization of high-traffic areas subject to daily wear and tear.

Columbia Growth Fund
Columbia Bible College has just entered an exciting new season. Your investment in the long-term sustainability of Columbia Bible College will provide the resources needed for growth in this new season.

“I look forward to making the most of my time at Columbia and to giving back in the future, just as you have done for me. Thank you for your generosity and support!”

“A few years ago, God called me to teach the Bible, and I believe that when He calls, He provides. Without the generosity of partners like you, I could likely not afford this education.”

“Your generosity has opened doors for my continual educational journey, lightening my financial burden and allowing me to focus on my studies, and my relationship with God and other students!”
An Encouragement from Our Supporters
``Now more than ever our young adults need training in discipleship, and that is Columbia’s mission.``

From a young age my parents modelled generosity and sacrifice. We supported and engaged with several foreign missionary families. This left strong impressions on our younger minds. We then engaged similarly in our early married lives. Having seen the impacts for God’s kingdom with so many faithful servants makes giving so much more fulfilling.
We have always recognized the significant time early college years are for our young people to put a stake in the ground for a lifetime of faith in Jesus. With our culture bombarding us with false messages, CBC stands firmly in the gap, training our youth to love and follow Jesus, for the rest of their lives.
Now more than ever our young adults need training in discipleship and that is CBC’s mission. CBC needs those who have gone before to continue in making that happen financially and in prayer for current and future CBC students.
We have become regular donors to CBC. Why don’t you join us in a monthly or quarterly donation plan? A regular donor allows the management of CBC to budget and plan with much less uncertainty.