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  /  News   /  Intercultural Studies Program Change

Intercultural Studies Program Change

Columbia Bible College is announcing a strategic refocusing around the way we equip students for intercultural ministry and leadership.  As a result, the Intercultural Studies program in its current format will be discontinued. This change is designed to respond to ongoing changes in the world of intercultural mission and to modify our academic programs to meet emerging needs. It is also made in response to budget challenges that we are facing due to enrollment losses and pandemic-related limitations on our activities.

We are seeing significant changes in the world of intercultural mission, changes that have been accelerated by the pandemic.  We live in a globalized world where the influence of the church is dispersed and diverse. We believe that students who want to serve interculturally will need to develop a flexible skill set – one that will enable them to be self-starters and perhaps to work bi-vocationally.

One of the most difficult aspects of these program changes is the impact that they will have on long-term faculty member Kara Bergstrom as this will unfortunately mean the end of her time at Columbia. Kara has made a significant and valuable contribution to Columbia over the past eight years.  She has been a champion for Intercultural Studies, she has invested with students both inside the classroom and out.  She has also been a dear colleague and an important part of the Columbia team. Her departure will be felt deeply by students, staff, faculty and alumni.

These changes represent a loss in terms of both a long-term program and a valuable member of our faculty. They also represent a strong intention to prepare Columbia students to participate in God’s mission within a rapidly changing world.  We expect to have more details on how our academic programming will be adapted in the weeks and months ahead.

Any questions regarding this program shift can be directed to academics@columbiabc.edu

The official statement can be read here.