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Leadership Team

The Columbia Bible College Leadership Team is responsible for shaping the philosophy of the College, defining the style of the institution and developing vision, aims and objectives.

Chief Financial Officer

Academic Dean

Vice President of Enrollment and External Relations

Executive Assistant to the President


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for the direction, operation and leadership of Columbia Bible College. This dedicated team is comprised of members from Columbia’s two supporting denominations: Mennonite Brethren Church of British Columbia (BCMB) and Mennonite Church British Columbia (MCBC). For more information regarding Columbia Board of Directors, please contact us.

2023-2026 (Term 1), Greendale MB Church (BCMB)

2019-2025 (Term 2), Central Heights Church (BCMB)

2021-2027 (Term 2), Yarrow United MC (MCBC)

2019-2025 (Term 3), Willingdon Church (BCMB)

2023-2026 (Term 1), Northview Community Church (BCMB)

2024-2027 (Term 1), Willingdon Church (BCMB)

2017-2026 (Term 3), Peace Mennonite Church (MCBC)

Chair, 2021-2027 (Term 2), Northview Community Church (BCMB)

Vice-Chair, 2021-2027 (Term 2), Mountain Park Community Church (BCMB)

2024-2027 (Term 1), Eden Mennonite (MCBC)

2018-2027 (Term 3), Broadway Church (BCMB)

2023-2026 (Term 1), The Point (Director at Large)

Faculty Emeriti & Past Presidents

Past President

Faculty Emerita

Faculty Emerita

Faculty Emeritus

Faculty Emeritus

Past President

Faculty Emeritus