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  /  Columbia Bible College Blog   /  Meet Katrina, Social Entrepreneurship Diploma, Class of 2020

Meet Katrina, Social Entrepreneurship Diploma, Class of 2020

We met up with Katrina F, who’s graduating with a Diploma in Social Entrepreneurship this spring, and asked her for details about her experience at Columbia and her vision for the future.

Describe your CBC experience in 3 words 

Challenging, Motivational, Encouraging

How have you grown during your time here?

I grew up saying that I would never attend a Bible college of any kind, only to have God strongly prompt me to apply for CBC when I was 23. I began my program feeling like I didn’t really need to be here, and it was just a season that I had to “get through”.  Now as I am getting ready to leave, I have realized how much more I want to learn. CBC has made me enjoy learning again.

What challenges did you face? How did you overcome them?

Being a single mature student, it was a little difficult finding people to connect with. I did my best with just being friendly to all, and found connection in the unexpected places. I also found it difficult to balance my life/work/school commitments as I am actively involved in many areas of my life. I am still trying to figure it out, but I have learned to prioritize better and to let go of perfection.

Do you have a favourite memory at CBC?

Honestly, I just love sitting in the commuter lounge and listening in to all of the life-giving, mind-bending, and faith-challenging discussions happening around. Coming from a public-school environment, it is so cool to be in a place where everyone is not only free to but desiring to discuss their faith.

Tell us about the prof/staff member who’s had the greatest impact on you

All of the Social Entrepreneurship staff have been amazing. Kurtis Kube (program director) is so inspiring and encouraging with his passion for connecting and integrating faith into the business world. Stephanie Jantzen (marketing instructor) was such a great example of a strong woman of faith in the business industry, and so knowledgeable about what she was talking about. Scott Henderson (accounting instructor) was so patient and kind. He actively worked with us to solve accounting problems and walked us through it all with care and empathy, without ever making us feel unintelligent. All of these staff have directly impacted my life and been amazing representatives of how I would like to conduct myself in the business world, and life in general.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned about the Bible at CBC?

I think the most important thing I have learned about the Bible has been that nothing is really as black and white as it seems. There are so many more layers and different ways to read it, that you can’t assume you are right.

What are you passionate about/what will you do after your CBC grad?

I am passionate about people knowing their value and worth. I have a strong desire for everyone to understand that they are a child of the One True King and deserve to be treated as such. After I graduate, I will continue to run and expand my small business Lost Princess Entertainment (www.lostprincessent.com). I have the privilege of being invited to celebrate with children on their birthdays and getting to instill biblical truths and values through story-telling. I would love to expand my company into becoming a 3-tiered women’s ministry where I would mentor a staff of performers who then go into impacting the lives of kids all using the medium of performing arts.