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What is the Value of a Minor?

Imagine being a pastor who can read a balance sheet. A youth worker with the outdoor skills to guide teens on a three-day hike. A counsellor with an understanding of other cultures.

Enrolling in a Minor at Columbia gives you broader knowledge, a more versatile skill-set, and it expands your possibilities. Here’s a list of possible advantages you’ll experience if you graduate with a BA plus a Minor:

  • A minor gives you the chance to explore an area you’re passionate about.
  • You’ll be eligible to take more 200, 300, and 400-level courses – which delve into subjects more deeply.
  • A minor can equip you with valuable skills that will help you in your chosen vocation and give you an edge when you’re applying for positions.
  • A minor can give you great stories to tell in a job interview, especially if your minor shows that you have broad interests and experience.


Who can take a minor?

Program minors are open to Bachelor degree students.

Are all Bachelor degree students required to have a minor?

Biblical Studies majors are required to take a minor to round out their knowledge and skills. For all other degree students, minors are optional.

Which minors are open to me?

Almost every minor is open to you. To enroll in the Bible Teaching minor, you must be a Biblical Studies major and request permission from the Biblical Studies Program Director. For the Educational Assistant certificate, you’ll need to go through a short application process to make sure you qualify.

Does enrolling in a minor extend the time and credits required to finish my degree?

Most Bachelor degree programs have room to add a minor without adding extra time or credits to your degree. If you enroll in a degree program that has a 10-month internship (ie Youth Work – 10-month Internship option) completing a minor will add one to two courses to your degree.

How and when do I enroll in a minor?

There is no need to hurry. Most students choose a minor at the end of their first year of study. If you already have a clear idea of your interests, you can declare your minor earlier than that as well. And if you change your mind, it is not difficult to withdraw from or switch minors.

Current students should enroll in a minor through the Academics office. You can mention your interest in a minor at your next registration session.

New students should talk to their Admissions Advisor about choosing a minor.