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Refer-a-Student Bonus

65% of students choose Columbia because a friend or relative encouraged them to.

$100 for the new student & $100 for the current student or alumni who encourages them to enrol. We’re so grateful for the way our students – past and present – share their love of Columbia with the people in their lives! As a way to show our appreciation, we have the Refer-a-Student Bonus program. If a new student enrols at Columbia because you encouraged them to, you will each receive a $100 bonus.

Are you a current student or alumni?

To be eligible for the bonus, you need to be a current student (casual, part-time or full-time) or an alumni. We define alumni as those who graduated from a Columbia program (recently or not so recently!) or who completed 31 credits of study here.

Share your love of Columbia!

Think and pray about the people in your life who might benefit from a year or more of studying Scripture, growing spiritually, and being equipped in Columbia’s caring community. Reach out to that person, share your own Columbia experience, and explain why you think Columbia might be a good fit. (Yes – you can refer your kids or grandkids!)

The New Student Needs to Name You

We’ve added a box on the Columbia application form where an applicant can give the name of the current student/alumni who encouraged them to attend. Your name needs to be provided at the time of application to qualify you both for the Refer-a-Student bonus.

Enjoy your $100 bonus(es)

If the young adult you reach out to enrols as a Columbia student (applies, registers, starts classes) you will both receive a $100 bonus. The new student will receive a $100 deposit to their student account 30 days after the start of the semester. If you’re a current student, you’ll receive the same. If you’re an alumni, we’ll send you a cheque or a gift card. Note that you’re eligible to receive more than one bonus. If 5 students enrolled because of you, you’ll receive $500!


Contact the Admissions Team, or stop by the Admissions window during office hours.