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What Is Practical Theology?

PRACTICAL: [prac-ti-cal] manifested in practice or action | actively engaged in some course of action or occupation | active, applied, experiential, useful.

All of Life.

There's no such thing as a part-time Christian.

Our theology (what we believe to be true about God) only matters when it permeates every part of who we are: our priorities, our lifestyle, our relationships, our identity, and our vocation. This is why Columbia takes such a balanced approach to education. We see your time here as a chance to engage in study, reflection, transformation, and skill-building training. “Practical theology” captures that balance well.

Faith in Conversation.

``Practical theology`` is a conversation.

How does our Christian faith connect with other areas of study and practice? How can we integrate biblical principles with marketing, or leadership, or psychology, or cross-cultural communication, or emergency medical care? Our vision is to see you and your fellow students graduate with the ability to integrate your faith with the world around you.

Prepared for Action.

What's your calling?

Columbia’s programs are designed to equip you to make a positive impact. God’s mission is deep and wide — to redeem, reconcile, and restore wholeness to our world — and our vision is to help launch our degree grads into vocations where you can serve that mission with passion and skill. Whether you lead a church, found a non-profit organization, minister to refugees, or pursue a Masters in Counselling Psychology, you’ll be prepared to engage in practical, Christ-centered, kingdom-focused work. That accomplishment will now be reflected on your degree as you graduate with a BA in Practical Theology.