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Category: CBC

by Aften Thiessen, Sessional Instructor Last year I had the privilege of co-teaching a class where we were able to learn more about Truth and Reconciliation. One of the ways we learned was by going on fieldtrip tours of St. Mary’s Former Residential School in Mission and having Sto:lo Leader,  Naxaxalhts’I (also called by the English name

Tyrell Quantz Reflects on Being on the Traveling Ministry Team (TMT) My name is Tyrell, and I am in my second year in the 4-year counseling degree program. I came to Columbia because of the unique degree programs that are offered here in Practical Theology, but I have found CBC to be much more than just academics. It

by Gil Dueck, Academic Dean “The witness that Christians bear to the truth must be a humble and penitent witness…The confession of the truth will be part of a continual indebtedness to grace.” (Lesslie Newbigin, Proper Confidence, 1995) Newbigin wrote those words almost 30 years ago, and I believe they capture something important about what we are aiming