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Apply Now Christian Studies Online Apply Now Christian Studies Online

Providing the opportunity to dive into the Scriptures with the flexibility of online learning.

Certificate in Christian Studies

The Certificate in Christian Studies is a 30-credit program that is 100% online. This is a great opportunity if you’ve always wanted to invest focused time in getting to know the Scriptures – especially if you’re someone who learns best with structure, due dates, and coaching. If you’re considering attending Columbia on campus in the future but need to be elsewhere for the time being, the online certificate allows you to complete your first year from home.

Courses You Will Complete
Program Objectives

This program does not require approval by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training. As such, PTIB did not review this program.

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    “The most important thing I learned about the Bible at CBC is that God transforms the reader through studying it. It’s more than just a collection of letters and laws. It’s convicting, raw and beautiful. Wrestling with it is okay. Most importantly, we learn about and worship our King Jesus through it.

    I discovered my passion for youth and kids at Columbia! I’ve already started my first job as a youth pastor, and I am living the dream! The future of the church lies with kids and youth, and if I can have a role to play in walking alongside these kids in their everyday lives, I would argue that is the biggest privilege of any vocation. I love talking about God and life with kids, and just hanging out with them, it’s the best!”

    —Jack M


    “Being at CBC over the past four years has been such a beautiful space of challenging growth and gentle encouragement. I think the biggest area of growth for myself has been learning to see my life as not something that I need to control but as something to be given freely into the hands of the Father to be used for his purposes, whatever and wherever those purposes may be.”

    —Sarah T


    “I am passionate about finding unity that celebrates our diversity, a common ground that I believe can only be found in the Gospel. As such I desire to find beauty in the things that make every person and group unique. This has created an interest in mediation, a field of study that I may pursue, or use in some way in the future. In the future, I would like to try working in a church, preferably in the arts, as well as pursue further education.“

    —Jon W