QUEST is a one-year cohort-based program where students develop a Christ-centered identity, study the Bible, and engage in spiritual formation while on amazing outdoor adventures.
QUEST Certificate
Combining experiential learning with in-class learning is what makes QUEST unique. In our gap year programs, students will typically complete a 25-credit course load during the course of the year. QUEST students have the option to add 1 to 2 courses of their choice if they feel able.
The QUEST Core (25 Academic credits)
QUEST’s academic requirements include 25 credits. In this gap year program, you’ll work through a series of eight college-level courses plus a one-credit service practicum. QUEST’s cohort model means you’ll be in all the same classes as your fellow Questies, so you’ll cheer each other on as you fill your minds with wisdom and truth.
35+ Amazing Day of Out-Trips
Over eight months, you’ll spend forty days on Quest out-trips and expeditions. Some are single-day excursions, and some are five day long. Quest’s program fee covers all expenses for every out-trip – transportation, specialized equipment, meals, accommodations, and lift tickets, etc.
Plenty of In-Person People Time
Quest is a gap year program designed to give you more breathing space and time for the personal connections that are so key to your Quest experience and growth.
Flexibility to Add 1-2 Classes
You’ll have the freedom to add up to one extra course per semester if you like. You might consider this option if you’re academically inclined, or it you’re planning to continue in one of Columbia’s diploma or degree programs after Quest or our other gap year programs. But this is up to you, and not required!
Program Objectives
To view the Program Objectives for the Certificate in Quest, click here.
This program does not require approval by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training. As such, PTIB did not review this program.
Ladder into Other Programs
Many QUEST grads go on from their gap year program to further education at various universities and colleges across North America. Some QUEST credits may be eligible for credit transfer.
QUEST students who wish to transfer seamlessly into one Columbia’s diploma & degree programs will find it easy to do so. They will need to complete two additional courses (Church in Mission and a Bible elective) in order to graduate. QUEST and academic staff will work with students to choose a good way forward.
Diploma options include the Diploma in Leadership and Business and the Diploma in Outdoor Leadership.
Bachelor Degree options include a BA in Practical Theology, with a Major in Leadership and Business or a Major in Psychology.
Interested in Other Options?
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What Students & Parents Are Saying

“One thing that stands out from my learning this year is the importance of discerning whose voice I am listening to. I was introduced to the idea that I am the beloved of God and that I was suffering from debilitating self-rejection brought about my listening to all the wrong voices. Slowly I began to realize that the fact that I am the beloved overrides any need to anchor my identity in the opinions and perceptions of others.”
—Rachel, QUEST 2017-2018

“When our son attended Quest, I had some reservations. Chief among them was the thought that if you are going to spend that much, you might as well get on with your education. I was wrong. What changed my mind was my son. Nothing he said, but who he was when he got home. Yes, they sail, and ski and canoe and hike, but somehow they squeeze in a whole lot of biblical study. More importantly is the obvious amount of effort put into discipleship, facilitated no doubt, by the community developed through the activities. When our daughter went, I had different reservations: how would she fit in, would it be a good experience for a completely different personality? Her experience was profound and life changing. My personal thanks to you at the Quest program for making this a safe, yet challenging program: educational, but deeply rooted in discipleship and Christian community. You change lives. We have another son coming your way: No reservations.”
—The Bedfords
Meet the QUEST Staff

Jeremy Walker
QUEST Director

Matt Kliever
QUEST Program Associate

Kelsey Wiebe
QUEST Program Associate

Chloe Plett
Quest Intern

Kenzie Peters
Quest Intern

Jesse Peters
Quest Intern
Frequently Asked Questions
What kinds of trips will I go on?
The awesome kind! We’re pretty excited about the variety of trips you get to experience; variety in terms of length – day trips, weekends, week-long – and in terms of activity. Expect to try backpacking, rock-climbing, canoeing, sailing, hiking, winter camping, skiing or snowboarding, cross-country skiing, and spelunking.
I don’t have a ton of “outdoors” experience. Am I a good fit for QUEST?
Yes! QUEST is designed to challenge both the experienced and less experienced by meeting students where they are at. If you have a desire to be outside, to experience God’s creation in a new way, and are willing to try new things – QUEST is a good fit. If you already have plenty of experience, you’ll build your skills even more with the help of our qualified instructors.
Do I need to live in residence to be in QUEST?
Not necessarily. We strongly urge you to consider it because living on campus will definitely enhance your experience of community. But you’re welcome to live off campus as long as you meet the necessary conditions (you’ll find them on page 34 of our Student Handbook).
How many students are in QUEST?
We cap enrollment at 32 to foster a strong sense of community and belonging. Quest is a cohort program, meaning students take the same classes together.
How much does QUEST cost?
See our Tuition and Fees page for the cost breakdown for all programs. QUEST program amounts include tuition and every outdoor trip (travel, group gear, meals, lodging), housing and your daily meal plan. You’ll be responsible to buy or borrow some personal outdoor equipment. There may be a few additional fees depending on your situation. See Financial Aid Options.
Do I need to fill out a separate application for QUEST?
No. Simply apply at Columbia and choose QUEST as your gap year program.
Can I play on a Columbia sports team if I do QUEST?
Possibly! We consider this a case-by-case basis, depending on whether it’s possible to coordinate the season schedule with the out-trip schedule. Keep in mind that playing on a sports team while doing Quest takes high levels of energy, commitment, and personal discipline. Get in touch with Quest Director Jeremy Walker if you want to explore this possibility.
Will I be writing papers and exams in QUEST?
Yes! Learning saturates every part of Quest in the form of outdoor adventures, reflective exercises, and eight college-level academic courses (25 credits). This means you’ll be studying the Bible, reading textbooks, writing essays, and studying for exams. Intense? Sometimes. But it’s amazing what God does in and through us when we give him such focused attention!
What does a normal week in QUEST look like?
Every week is a little different because we schedule the trips to take advantage of the West Coast weather patterns and work the academic components around that, so ‘normal’ around here means ‘each week feels new’. Having said that, the general template is for students to be on campus in classes Monday – Thursday and to have Friday – Sunday to fill with homework, socializing, rest, and personal adventures, but we interrupt that with 35+ days of outdoor adventure! The customized class and adventure schedule will be given to students at the start of each semester.
Do I need any special gear to participate?
Most group gear (tents, stoves, water filters, tall ships, etc.) is provided for you, and some gear you need to supply yourself (see our gear checklist). You can bring, borrow, or buy these items. Backpacks, sleeping pads, sleeping bags, and headlamps can be rented from our supply on a first-come, first-served basis by requesting them in the “Incoming Student Information Request” form that each student will fill out after being accepted into the program and being added to the Quest Group in Microsoft Teams.
When does QUEST start and end?
Quest is a full gap year program that starts at the beginning of September and ends close to the end of April.
If I live in residence, will I have a QUEST roommate?
We do our best to put Quest students in dorm rooms together for logistical reasons. Your neighbours on your floor will be from other programs, so you can get to know the rest of the Columbia community too.