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Life Together

“This tight-knit community has been so impactful for me”

Welcome to something special.

You won’t meet any perfect people at Columbia. But you will meet a good Christian community that loves Jesus and is excited to invest in you. That goes for everyone – from your new profs, to your classmates, to the librarian and the cook who makes your Bearcat burger.

We look out for each other here. We encourage, we pray, we order pizza at midnight, we learn to disagree with grace. Mostly, we have an amazing time as we help each other grown and learn.

Ways to Get Involved

Activities & Teams

The Spiritual Life Team hosts weekly evening hymns and other events that encourage a Christ-centered community.

The Arts Team promotes creativity! Past events have included Bob Ross paint nights, poetry nights, and student-led art exhibits.

The Athletics Team provides events that build a bridge between the general student body and our athletes. Think: Ping-pong tournaments, Slip n’ Slide kickball, Munch Madness, and much more!

The Social Life Team. Pretty self-explanatory. Good times for all!


      • Movie Nights
      • Fall Fair
      • Talent Show
      • Bearcat Games


Campus Life Team

Our teams and many of our student activities are led by the Campus Life Team. Their role is to serve and lead the students of Columbia Bible College by being visible and visionary Christian leaders. Campus Life Team members seek to demonstrate and encourage Christlike behaviour and create an environment that fosters growth, connection, and community.

Worship Gatherings


Tuesday nights, 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Students worshipping together

Music-driven, with other creative elements too (Scripture, silence, drama, dance, prayer)

Holy Grounds is open in the BLounge after

Open to the greater Columbia Community

Led by students


Thursdays, 10:00 am – 10:50 am

No classes during this time

Students, staff & faculty worshipping together

Chapel services include music, speakers, testimonies, scripture reading, prayer

Designed by a team of staff & students

Led by different teams of student musicians


Interested in auditioning for the Chapel Teams or Travelling Ministry Team?

Learn more about these opportunities on the Worship Arts page.

Become a Student Leader

“This is an avenue for me to use the gifts & skills I’ve learned in the classroom.”

Developing leaders is part of our ‘why’ at Columbia. We believe in the leadership potential of our students which is why we have up to forty positions available every year. Applications open in the spring, and include an interview process. If you’re chosen as a student leader, you’ll come to campus early and participate in a fun, intense week of training over the last week of August.

Your role in leadership will be to take part in leading the student body and helping to establish a positive, encouraging community. In addition to weekly leadership classes, student leaders also participate in one on one mentoring with a staff member.

Community Expectations

At Columbia, we aspire to be a community centred on Jesus — where we’re all doing our best to think, respond, speak, and act like Christ. Is this always easy? Not exactly. Especially not when you put numerous students, staff, and faculty from different backgrounds and cultures on the same campus!

One of the ways we work at this is by agreeing to a set of guidelines and expectations for how we’re going to learn and live life together. These guidelines are designed to encourage your spiritual, social, and academic growth. If you want to join the Columbia community, you’ll need to agree to live within these expectations and participate in the life, studies, activities and ministries of the College. Please make sure you take a careful look at the Student Handbook before you make the decision to enroll.

Student Accountability Process 

Appeal Process

Ready To Apply?

Interested in joining the Columbia community?

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